
Actor’s studio – Inform Example No. 221

Das Inform-Beispiel Nr. 221, nach Dialog portiert

%% Beispiel Nr. 221 der Inform Dokumentation
%% Eine Videokamera, die Ereignisse aufzeichnet 
%% und sie dann
%% mit einem Zeitstempel wieder abspielt.

(global variable (videostream []))
(global variable (time $))
~(memory is empty)

(global variable (camera mode $))

(setting $) (fail)

(name *) Ruhemodus 
(dict *) ruhemodus ruhe
(setting *)
(* is #partof #camera)

(name *) Aufnahme 
(dict *) aufnahme
(setting *)
(* is #partof #camera)

(name *) Wiedergabe 
(dict *) wiedergabe
(setting *)
(* is #partof #camera)

(style class @score)
	width: 20ch;
	float: right;

    (now) (time 542)
    (now) (camera mode #idle)
    (try [look])
(redraw status bar)
	(status bar @status) {
        (time headline)
        (location headline)

(time headline)
    (div @score) {
        (time $Time)
        (say time $Time)

(say time $A)
    ($A divided by 60 into $C)
    ($A modulo 60 into $D)
    $C:(no space)
    (if) ($D < 10) (then)
        0(no space)

(after $Action)
    (camera mode #recording)
    ~($Action = [wait])
    ~($Action = [$ #camera $ $])
    (videostream $Video)
    (length of $Video into $Len)
    (if) ($Len < 48) (then)
        (time $T)
        (append [$T | [$Action]] $Video $New)
        (now) (videostream $New)
        (now) (camera mode #idle)
        Der Speicher der Videokamera ist voll 
        und sie schaltet in den Ruhemodus.

(on every tick)
    (time $A)
    ($A plus 1 into $B)
    (now) (time $B)

(on every tick)
    (camera mode #replaying)
    (if) ~(memory is empty) (then)
        (videostream $Video)
        (reverse $Video $List)
        (now) (memory is empty)
        (report actions from list $List)
        Du siehst nur Rauschen auf der Videokamera.

(report actions from list [$Action $Time | $Tail])
    (line)Um (say time $Time) Uhr hat die Kamera aufgezeichnet, als du dabei warst,
    (describe infinitive action $Action).
	(report actions from list $Tail)

(current player #player)
(#player is #in #actor_studio)

(room *)
(name *)    Filmstudio(-s)
(* is maskulin)

(male actor *)
(name *)    Lucas
(proper *)
(dict *)    lucas mann typ
(* is #in #actor_studio)
(appearance #lucas $ $)
    Lucas ist hier.

(prevent [tell #lucas to take $Obj])
        ($Obj is #heldby $NPC)
        (Der $NPC) (hat $NPC) (den $Obj) schon.
        ~(item $Obj)
        (Der $NPC) (kann $NPC) (den $Obj) nicht nehmen.

(perform [tell #lucas to take $Obj])
    (let #lucas take $Obj)

(perform [tell #lucas to eat $Obj])
    (let #lucas eat $Obj)

(let $NPC eat $Obj)
    (if) ~(edible $Obj) (then)
    (if) (player can see $Obj) (then)
        (if) ~($Obj is #heldby $NPC) (then)
            \(Erst nimmt Lucas (den $Obj)\)(line)
            (now) ($Obj is #heldby $NPC)
		(narrate $NPC eating $Obj)
	(now) ($Obj is nowhere)

(narrate $NPC eating $Obj)
	(Der $NPC) (isst $NPC) (den $Obj).

(item *)
(name *)    Croissant(-s)
(dict *)    croissant
(edible *)
(* is handled)
(* is neutrum)
(* is #in #actor_studio)

(item *)
(name *)    Videokamera
(dict *)    video kamera videokamera
(descr *)
        Die Videokamera ist momentan auf 
        (camera mode $Mode)
        (name $Mode) eingestellt.
(* is feminin)
(* is #in #actor_studio)
(* is handled)

(describe action [set $Obj to $Setting])
	(den $Obj) auf (name $Setting) einstellen

(understand infinitive [einstellen/stellen] as Verb [stell])

(unlikely [put $Obj #on $Dest])
	($Obj = #camera)

(understand [stell | $Words] as [set $Obj to $Setting])
    *(split $Words by [auf] into $Left and $Right)
    *(understand $Left as single object $Obj)
    *(understand $Right as single object $Setting)

(understand [stell ein | $Words] as [set $Obj to $Setting])
    *(split $Words by [auf] into $Left and $Right)
    *(understand $Left as single object $Obj)
    *(understand $Right as single object $Setting)

(refuse [set $Obj to $Setting])
    ~($Setting is one of [#idle #recording #replaying])
    Das ist keine gültige Einstellung für (den $Obj).

(perform [set $Obj to $Setting])
    (now) (camera mode $Setting)
    Die Videokamera ist nun auf (name $Setting) eingestellt.
    (if) ($Setting is one of [#recording #idle]) (then)
        (now) ~(memory is empty)

%% Testen: "stell kamera auf aufnahme / x lucas / winke / lucas, iss croissant / stell kamera auf wiedergabe / z"

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