
Actaeon – Inform Example No. 302

Actaeon, das Inform-Beispiel Nr. 302, nach Dialog portiert

%% Beispiel Nr. 302 der Inform Dokumentation
%% Nehmen wir an, wir möchten in der Lage sein, einem NPC 
%% zu folgen, wenn er sich auf der Karte bewegt. Der Trick
%% ist, dass wir ihn referieren müssen, obwohl er nicht in
%% Sichtweite ist.

(global variable (last location of artemis was $))

(proper *(room $))

(current player #player)
(#player is #in #corinth)

(female actor *)
(name *)    Artemis
(dict *)    frau dame artemis
(proper *)
(appearance * $ $)
    Artemis ist hier und überlegt, wohin sie als nächstes 
    gehen soll.
(* is #in #corinth)

(room *)    
(name *)    Corinth
(from * go #south to #mycenae)
(from * go #east to #athens)
(from * go #southeast to #epidaurus)

(room *)   
(name *)    Athen
(from * go #northwest to #thebes)
(from * go #west to #corinth)

(room *)
(name *)    Epidaurus
(from * go #northwest to #corinth)
(from * go #west to #mycenae)

(room *)
(name *)    Mycenae
(from * go #north to #corinth)
(from * go #south to #argos)
(from * go #east to #epidaurus)
(from * go #west to #olympia)

(room *)
(name *)    Olympia
(from * go #east to #mycenae)
(from * go #south to #pylos)

(room *)
(name *)    Argos
(from * go #north to #mycenae)
(from * go #south to #sparta)

(room *)
(name *)    Thebes
(from * go #southeast to #athens)
(from * go #northwest to #delphi)

(room *)
(name *)    Pylos
(from * go #north to #olympia)
(from * go #east to #sparta)

(room *)
(name *)    Sparta
(from * go #north to #argos)
(from * go #west to #pylos)

(room *)
(name *)    Delphi
(from * go #southeast to #thebes)

(add #artemis to scope)

(on every tick)
    (#artemis is #in $Loc)
    (now) (last location of artemis was $Loc)
    (collect $Exit)
        *(from $Loc go $Exit to $)
    (into $ExitList)
    (randomly select $Chosen from $ExitList)
    (let #artemis go $Chosen)

(describe action [follow $Obj])
	(dem $Obj) folgen

(understand infinitive [folgen/verfolgen] as Verb [folg])

(understand [folg/verfolg | $Words] as [follow $Obj])
    *(understand $Words as single object $Obj)
    (animate $Obj)

(refuse [follow $NPC])
    (current room $Room)
        ($NPC is #in $Room)
        (Der $NPC) steht direkt vor dir.
        ~(last location of artemis was $Room)
        Du bist ahnungslos, wo sich (der $NPC) 
        gerade befindet.
(perform [follow $NPC])
    (current room $Room)
    (#artemis is #in $NextRoom)
    (from $Room go $Dir to $NextRoom)
    (try [go $Dir])

%% Testen: "z / folge artemis / g / g"

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